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With the familiar fear in his eyes Sam watched across the road. He could see straight into the house of his sweet heart, Gloria. She had just woken up and looked fresh like a daisy.

For years Sam had been watching her from a distance but couldn’t muster the courage to step any further because the moment he tried going any further his eyes would fall upon her father who looked monstrous and blood thirsty.

Sam had lost precious years in this wait. Time was passing by and both Sam and the pretty girl were getting older.

Not knowing what to do and out of sheer desperation Sam shared his story with her neighbour.

The neighbour on hearing Sam’s tale of woe burst out laughing. He informed Sam that the person who he was thinking to be the damsel’s father was the reflection of the father on the wall of their house. Because the wall was designed in a particular manner, his reflection looked ferocious.

He further informed Sam that her father was a very kind gentleman who was very keen to find a suitable groom for his daughter. The neighbour felt that her father would be most happy to meet Sam.

Sam regretted for having wasted precision time in his unfounded fear and without wasting any more approached the father and asked his daughter’s hand in marriage.

The father was rejoiced and before one realised Sam married the beautiful Gloria.

This story reflects the life of many investor who out of fear of the stock market delays his or her investment.

The stock market is just like the monstrous looking reflection whom we all fear and stop ourselves from investing our money in the best asset class – equities. The father in our case is the nice and safe Indian economy.

So instead of getting caught up in our fear of the market ( reflection ) we should approach the economy ( nice and sweet father ) with confidence and without any fear.

Before we realise we will become smart equity investors and make ourselves future ready.
Name: Anil Mhatre
Mobile: 9820097048
Email: contact@monetonic.com

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