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When you go out to dine in a fine restaurant you usually have two options.

1) Buffet where you pay and eat all that you want. Usually one over eats and lands up being stuffed. Also greed of eating makes you select food that you would otherwise not consider as your need. In the end your satisfaction actually falls.

2) In a la carte you land up ordering sometimes more and at other times the wrong dish causing unnecessary dissatisfaction. The fear of high prices makes you order some other item which does not seem good enough. You land up regretting for having ordered the wrong food. Eventually you have to order what you had initially passed off. More money spent, more wastage and your satisfaction actually falls.

Another third approach is when the waiter has formed a relationship with you. He kind of knows what you and your family like. He decides the quantity of food and also the dishes that are popular and suitable to your family’s tastebuds. He orders a complimentary dessert in the end and ensures that you leave the restaurant happy and your satisfaction actually rises.

This third option is just like investing with the help of a Financial Distributor who understands your needs and makes the exact concoction (portfolio) to meet your goals. He helps you to overcome your challenges with utmost ease.

Name: Anil Mhatre


Mobile: 9820097048

Email: contact@monetonic.com

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