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Some days ago, a group of frogs were travelling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep pit.

When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.

The two frogs ignored their comments and tried to jump out of the pit with all their might.

The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead, and finally, one of the frogs took heed of what the other frogs were saying and gave up.

He fell down and died. But the other frog continued to jump as hard as possible.

Once again the crowd of frogs told him to stop the pain and just die, but the frog didn’t give up and kept on trying.

The other frogs grew more frustrated and started jumping and yelling at the frog in the pit.

Even after that, the frog jumped harder and harder and finally made it out.

When he got out, the other frogs asked him, “Did you not hear us?”

One of the friends of that frog explained that he was deaf, and that he had thought that they were encouraging him the entire time.

This story is a very vital lesson for every equity investor.

In equity investing, the market makes a lot of ‘noise’ and those who react to this noise lose opportunities and are left hurt.

Instead, if one were deaf and unable to hear such noises, he or she would actually end up being a successful investor.

Strange as it may sound, too much of ‘intelligence’ and ‘information’ can ruin the investment journey.

In order to succeed as an investor all one needs to do is to replace



‘DISCIPLINE’ and if possible ‘DEAFNESS’.

Happy Investing!


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