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I was in a photography studio talking to the owner who lends out a large room for photo shoots. On the face of it, his business looked easy. Rent out a room and it seemed there was no other cost to battle. But what took me by surprise was what the owner had to say. According to him maintenance was a big cost for keeping things in motion.

While I was travelling by second AC train, I could see that the seat was not locking well when it was raised to act as a back rest. The netted pouch that’s meant to hold the mobile phone and wallet etc along side the berth was torn from the sides and was giving way. All didn’t look fine because of these glitches. These were not big lapses but little maintenance failures.

Look at 3 star and 4 star hotels. They look spic and span when they are launched but over time they begin to wear a very tired look for lack of adequate maintenance. What separates a 5 star from the others isn’t anything gigantic. Just maintenance.

Likewise in personal finance, the wealth when left unattended can actually rot. A good financial advisor isn’t meant to overhaul the investment from time to time. All that he needs to do is make small changes here and there for the sake of maintenance. It may seem less significant but plain and simple maintenance of the client’s wealth is all it takes for the client to reach his or her goals.

Happy Investing!


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