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We also call him TC.

I met one last week while travelling from Kottayam to Trivandrum. He appeared happy and was very helpful.

Being alone I thought of starting a conversation with him. He said he had worked 37 years in Indian Railways and would retire in a year.

37 years!!!! Sound amazing. Isn’t it??

He further went on to say that he had 4 sons and all of them were engineers and that all 4 of them had been students of merit. The pride of being the father of 4 young engineers was deservedly showing on his face.

He was experiencing the power of compounding.

37 years ago, a young TC must have painstakingly invested in his children’s values and education bit by bit and over 37 years they were giving him the joy of compounding.

Simple message from this story is that one must invest regularly in a disciplined manner, month on month, for a very long time ( if not 37, then at least for 15 to 20 years ) to experience a similar joy of compounding in wealth creation.

Happy Investing!


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